Kate is from Ohio and still lives there. She is the oldest of 3 girls. My father was a phys ed teacher and a coach.- Typical family structure I grew up in. Traditional family structure with the father that goes to work and the mother that says at home. I was the athlete in the family. My father taught me how to fix cars. I would mow the lawns and I would travel with him to tennis matches and he also taught me to fix cars. I remember we went on vacations with the money my moter saved. My mother was an avid couponer with the basement filled with her coupons which were labeled and categorized and this is the money we used to go away on vacations. Kate tells us that her mother and grandmother did not breastfeed and while they were supportive of her desire to breastfeed, they did not know how to really help and support her. She entertains us with many stories of her breastfeeding days with all 3 of her children, from very difficult breastfeeding start with her first baby to a very easy, pain free, carefree breastfeeding experience with her third child. As the Executive Director of Mom-mentum, Kate tells us about her initial interest in joining the group, the positive impact it had on her role as a mother and how this led to her current role within Mom-mentum. I am very excited to learn about all the projects Mom-mentum is working on and that the organization is alive and kicking so 40 years later to be there for mothers and families. What she has loved being able to do this last year is working on is supporting and growing Mothers Groups. We are piloting a programming in Toledo, Ohio with a local MC group with a couple of organizations that service youg others who have yet to graduate HS we are working on useing a grant and is taking trained MC faciliators and give them back through them offering facilitated groups. with these younger mothers. It is spreading their mission and goal to spread the news that everyone has these challenges and everyone has succeses. and that it is really good to talk about them.we are taking ourm others who are interested in getting back to the work force and finding an experience that can pay them through the skills that they learn through their MC groups. I am Really hoping to build that program. We are seeking funding for this. Feel free to contact Kate Finiske for funding info.